Frequently Asked Questions
Please click the link on each question to read the corresponding response.
- How do I role model gender equity in my household for my children?
- My toddler is learning words, including important ones to identify gender. I’d appreciate suggestions on approaching this learning phase.
- Sometimes my life partner and I disagree about important topics. How do I bring up topics that are important to me so we can reach a “win-win” solution?
- What are some of the benefits of not emphasizing gender around our kids?
- How else can I keep gender in the background for my kids?
- When is biological sex or gender critical to knowing someone?
- I’m not comfortable talking to my kids about genitals and reproductive parts. What do I do?
- What can I do when my spouse and his family only want women and men to behave stereotypically?
- How do I stop my spouse from saying to our son “be a man” and “you’ll have to support a family someday”?
- How can I help raise my daughter not to feel obligated to hug people or smile at them just because they ask her to?
- How can I stop my child’s P.E. teacher from dividing up kids by their gender to make sure each team has the same number of girls on it?
- How do I explain to my young child the reason girls and women (around us and in children’s books) often do have long hair?
- What other adjectives can I use to praise my daughter besides pretty, sweet, and cute? What other adjectives can I use to praise my son besides strong, tough, and handsome?
- How do I handle pronouns during the first years of my child’s life?
- How do I handle pronouns with my young school-age child?
- How do I handle pronouns with my older school-age child?