Are you one of the many preschool teachers and administrators who want little ones to be free to express all of themselves and experience as much as possible?

A young child’s naturally boundless zest for life can be supported and expanded in a preschool setting, or it can be eroded by the many ways sexism and gender stereotyping typically show up in preschool.

Authentic You provides resources for preschool professionals who want to diminish these biases and replace them with a plan that supports young children’s full expressions. Additionally, Authentic You gives preschool teachers and administrators tools for working with parents and other caregivers through these modifications. 

Authentic You consulting fosters an environment that helps kids:

  • Maintain a primary identity of “kid” so they can concentrate on enjoying all that life has to offer them.
  • Fully immerse themselves in exploring, doing, and thinking.
  • Experience more varied stimulation (by not limiting themselves to stereotypical “girl activities” or “boy activities”), which leads to the development of more brain synapses.
  • Develop an awareness of what they are feeling and what they want to do, instead of relying on external influences to decide for them. (This is also foundational for developing empathy.)
  • Respect their feelings and preferences instead of judging them as wrong when they don’t match stereotypes.
  • Benefit from being surrounded by other kids and adults who support awareness and acceptance.
  • Interact with a wider variety of kids and what each kid has to offer.
  • Have more opportunities to develop friendships that feel good.
  • Build self-confidence and resiliency.

Specific Steps for Consulting

Consulting with a gender-equity focus can be in the form of a single, finite project or a series of multiple steps that are part of a comprehensive process.

Projects or steps can include:

  • Broadening what’s offered in the costume area
  • Increasing awareness of how staff and volunteers interact with children
  • Updating favorite songs and bringing in new ones
  • Being intentional about the toys available
  • Updating most-loved stories and bringing in new ones
  • Being deliberate with the physical environment
  • Facilitating discussions for parents, caregivers, volunteers, teachers and/or administrators

With expanded experiences and acceptance, our little kids will have access to more of their capabilities, interests, and feelings. They will have equal opportunities to explore their most ambitious dreams, from constructing an amusement park in outer space to planning how to save every animal on the endangered species list. Our little kids will enter kindergarten with increased trust in themselves and a more solid sense of self.


To set up a conversation to discuss your needs, please fill out and submit this form. I look forward to talking with you.

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